States of Purpose Cosmetics magnificence PlumoBeauty, LLC (alluded to as "we," "us," or "our" or "Organization") gives arrangements and devices to online bequest arranging. These Terms of Service (the "Terms") govern your access to and use of PlumoBeauty's websites, applications (including our mobile applications), and other online products and services (collectively, our "Services"). Our point is to keep them direct and easy to understand. If you have any inquiries, please contact us at Please read these Terms carefully as they constitute a legally binding agreement between you and PlumoBeauty.
You warrant that you have (1) read, understood, and agreed to these terms before using the services; 2) You must be at least 18 years old and legally able to end a contract with us; 3) You have the right to sign the terms. If you do not agree to these terms, including Section 21's mandatory arbitration clause and class action waiver, you will not be permitted access to or use our services.
We might request that you consent to extra terms that apply to explicit Cosmetics excellence PlumoBeauty elements, items, or administrations notwithstanding these Terms. With regards to getting to or utilizing an element, item, or administration, you are dependent upon the conditions of any extra terms that contention with these Terms.
You can use the Services for the following: a) draft, prepare, and sign estate planning documents like wills, trusts, powers of attorney, and advance directives for medical treatment (collectively, "Estate Planning Documents"); b) if you have chosen to establish a trust, include assets in your trust schedule of assets; furthermore (c) unite and follow your monetary data in a single area so you can go with choices in regards to your bequest plan.
You acknowledge that PlumoBeauty is not an attorney or law firm, and that it does not: I) furnish you with legitimate counsel or direction; or then again (ii) perform administrations for you or for your sake as would be performed by a lawyer. Our products and services cannot replace the advice and services of a licensed attorney. There is no privilege or attorney-client relationship between us. Instead, in any legal matter you take on, including any legal matter involving your use of the Services in any way, you are representing yourself. Additionally, you recognize that PlumoBeauty is not a financial planner; ii) a monetary organizer; iii) An expert in finance; iv) a lawyer; or then again (iv) a bookkeeper. Even though PlumoBeauty sells insurance products, which are discussed below, neither the Services nor plumobeauty.provide tax or financial planning advice.
You are solely responsible for all decisions you make regarding the Services' financial, estate, tax, investment, or legal aspects, as well as any related agreements to which you become a party. You concur that we won't be expected to take responsibility for any misfortunes, harms, costs, or cases of a comparable sort that you might cause because of your monetary, home, charge, speculation, lawful, or other comparable choices. In addition, you give up any claims you might have against us for losses, damages, costs, or other similar claims.
Qualification You warrant and address that you are: a) Be 18 years old or older; b) You have never been denied access to our Services; c) you have the legal capacity to sign these Terms and promise not to break any other contract to which you are a party; d) You are not a citizen or lawful permanent resident of any country to which the United States has imposed an embargo on goods or services; instead, you are a citizen or lawful permanent resident of the United States. e) You have not been classified as a "Specially Designated National" by the Office of Foreign Assets Control; f) have not been added to the Denied People Rundown kept up with by the U.S. Business Division; g) won't use our services anywhere else; h) will not have multiple service accounts.
If you are using the Services on behalf of another organization, you agree to: (a) bind that organization to these Terms; (b) accept responsibility for you and any other users using the Services on behalf of that organization, including for your and their compliance with these Terms; and (c) all references to "you" will refer to that organization and you jointly.
By synchronizing your third-party accounts with the Services in a manner that enables us to retrieve your online information, you can retrieve third-party-stored account information, which is also referred to as "Third-Party-Stored Account Information." By utilizing the Administrations, you award us authorization to get to and acquire your Outsider Put away Record Data, as well as to unveil your Outsider Put away Record Data to us by such outsiders. When you use the Services to provide or otherwise make available Third-Party-Stored Account Information, you will be taken directly to the website of the third party you have identified. We will send you information, such as the usernames and passwords you use to access the Services, among other things. By providing us with the information we need to get, retrieve, and set up the Services to work with third-party websites for which you have provided information, you grant us permission to use that information. We do not offer any third-party accounts or websites, and we are not responsible for any issues that may arise with the Services as a result of or in connection with your third-party stored account information or third-party accounts. Your Third-Party-Stored Account Information must be accurate and up to date, as agreed upon by you.
Disclaimers We disclaim all warranties regarding the use of the services, which are provided "as-is" and include the generation and use of estate planning documents and the software that comes with them. No express or implied guarantees or conditions apply when you use our services. Guarantees OF MERCHANTABILITY, Readiness FOR A Specific Reason, AND NON-Encroachment ARE Disavowed BY US. In addition, we make no representations regarding the accuracy, completeness, dependability, or absence of errors in our services. We are not responsible for any harm to you, your computer, data, or the data or computers of any third parties if you use our services. You bear all risks associated with the quality and performance of the Services.